Our Educational Flyers
Mastering Medicare Enrollment: A Comprehensive Guide to Signing Up via Social Security. Our flyer offers a step-by-step roadmap to effortlessly navigate the Medicare enrollment process through Social Security. Empower yourself with essential insights and clear instructions for a smooth and stress-free registration experience.
How To Sign Up Through Social Security
Discover the Easy Steps: Creating Your Medicare Account. Our informative flyer provides a clear, step-by-step guide to setting up your Medicare account hassle-free, ensuring you access the benefits you deserve. Simplify the process with our user-friendly instructions.
How To Create
Medicare Account
Gaining Clarity on Medigap Plans: Our flyer provides a comprehensive overview, offering a concise understanding of Medigap plans. Explore the key benefits and coverage options, allowing you to make informed decisions with ease. Get a bird's eye view and simplify your Medicare supplement plan choices.
A Bird's Eye View: Medigap Plans
Decoding Medicare: Original vs. Modernized. Our flyer presents a clear breakdown, comparing the features and evolution of Original Medicare to its modernized counterparts. Gain insights into the differences, empowering you to make informed decisions for your healthcare needs. Unveil the changes and enhancements in Medicare options with this informative guide.
Original vs Modernized Medicare
Empowering Your Medication Review: 10 Simple Steps. Our educational flyer outlines a strategic approach to efficiently review your prescription drugs. Explore the user-friendly steps designed to help you assess and optimize your medication list effectively. Take charge of your health by following these clear and practical guidelines.
10 Steps to Review
Your Drugs
Assistance for Limited Income: Our flyer offers valuable resources and guidance tailored to individuals with restricted income. Discover a wealth of supportive services, financial aid options, and specialized programs designed to help navigate healthcare costs with limited income. Unlock opportunities and explore avenues to access essential support.
Help For Limited Income
A breakdown of the anticipated modifications resulting from the Inflation Reduction Act, providing a clear timeline of forthcoming changes in the pharmaceutical landscape. Gain insights into the implications and alterations expected, empowering you to stay informed and prepared for these impactful revisions.
Drug Act Timeline
Our flyer dissects the anticipated changes in Medicare for the upcoming year, providing an insightful overview of the adjustments and updates to the program. Stay ahead of the curve by understanding the evolving Medicare landscape, ensuring you're well-informed and prepared for the changes set to take effect in 2024.
Medicare Changes
for 2024
Our flyer addresses common queries and concerns faced by individuals balancing employment and Medicare. Find clear, expert guidance through a detailed Q&A, providing insightful solutions and clarifications for navigating Medicare while maintaining an active work life. Gain valuable insights and practical advice tailored to working professionals seeking Medicare information.
Q&A for Working Employees
Our flyer highlights the significance of conducting annual reviews for your Medicare coverage. Discover the crucial reasons and benefits behind these reviews, empowering you to make informed decisions and ensure your healthcare plan aligns with your evolving needs. Learn why staying proactive and reviewing your Medicare coverage annually is essential for a secure and comprehensive healthcare strategy.
What Are
Annual Reviews